
Farm Location: Thambiranpatty-Village,Keelakanavai-Post,Perambalur-Dist,Pin:621104.


Kuthirai Masal(Alfalfa) Seeds,Super Napier,C04,Ear Tag,Velimasal Seeds,kalyana murungai seeds Available for Sales

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Monday 10 December 2012

Lucerne (Alfalfa)

Centuries ago, the Arabs used nutrient-rich alfalfa as feed for their horses, because they claimed that it made the animals swift and strong. They eventually became so convinced of its benefits to their own health that they named the grass Al-Fal-Fa, which means Father of Foods

Lucerne (Alfalfa) - (Medicago Sativa L)
Sl.No.ParametersIdeal Conditions
Land conditions preferred
It needs well drained loamy soil, rich in lime with neutral pH. It cannot thrive on alkaline soils, but can tolerate slight acidity. Light soils are also preferred.
Land preparations required before sowing
In September - October the land should be ploughed with mould board plough followed by two to three ploughs with the cultivator. Thorough land preparation is required to obtain good tilth. Crop can be sown on flat beds.
3.Seed rateFodder purpose - 15kg/ha Seed production : 10kg/ha
Seed treatments required before sowing
5.Time of nursery raising-
6.Sowing timeOctober -November can be taken up as late as January second week.
7.Time of transplantingLine sowing 20-25 cm apart.
8.SpacingRow to row 2025cm. Plant to plant : Solid rows.
10.Fertilizer application20t/ha of FYM, N 20, P 2O 5, 80kg as basal - 40kg K 2O to be applied every year during Rabi for perennial crop.
11.Weed control measuresHand weeding 15-20 days after sowing. Cuscuta should be removed as and when noticed and destroyed immediately.
12.DrainageThe crop can not withstand water logged conditions, drainage channels should be made to remove excess water outside.
Disease control measures
a) Cuscuta sinensis: Being a major crop parasite of plant origin it is advisable to obtain cuscuta free seed. Once it attack the crop then it is very difficult to remove it from the field. If becomes rampant in the area, it is advisable to stop Lucerne cultivation in the area or go any other crop. b)Downy mildew (Peronospora trifoli): The disease causes considerably damage to the young plants and reduce the stand of the crop which is mostly conspicuous on the subsequent years. The characteristic symptoms are light green leaves especially at the apex of the stem and brownish mycleium on the lower surface of the leaves. Heavy infection results in the stunting of the plant and defoliation Spraying with Mancozeb is recommended. c) Rust (Uromyces straintus): Reddish brown uredia and telia develop on the leaves and stem late in the crop season. The pustules usually are single but sometimes arranged in circles around the single pustules. The telia that is dark in colour are formed in the same lesions and in independent sori. The rust is heterocious with sexual stage or Euphoria Sp. The rust persists in the leaf tissues in the mild climate and spread during summer. Spraying Bavistin @ 1g/litre of water is recommended.
Insect pest control measures
a) Lucerne Weevil : Hypera postica: The damage is mostly caused by the larvae that feed within the plant tips of the young leaves and in heavy infestation lower foliage is also damaged. The adults also feed on the foliage. Spraying endosulfan @2ml or malathion 1ml/L of water is recommended. b) Aphids - Acyrthosiphon pisum: The damage is caused by the nymphs and adults, which suck the sap from the foliage. Due to this, the plants form yellow tips with some wilting and stunting. Excessive infestation can cause reduction in leaf size and prevent flowering. c) Spotted alfalfa aphids - Therioaphis trifolic f. maculate. The spotted alfalfa aphid is of universal occurence in Lucerne . The aphid sucks sap from the leaves and stems and are mostly confined to lower parts of the plant and on under side of leaves. This cause plants to turn yellow, die and drop of. The other pest of minor importance are leaf hoppers, pentatomid bugs, cow-bugs, thrips, pumpkin beetle, galerucid beetle, ash weevil, hairy caterpillars, alfalfa caterpillar, tobacco caterpillar etc. For controlling all the insect pests one spraying with endosulfan @2ml per litre of water or neem oil 30ml/l of water is recommended.
Harvesting time for fodder production
First cut in Lucerne can be taken 45-60 days after sowing. Subsequent cuts are taken at 20-30 days interval. Totally 8-10 cuttings may be obtained in a year with 60-80 t/ha of green fodder yield. The crop can be retained for 3-4 years in the same field. Dry fodder yield will be around 18-20 t/ha. Second production in Lucorne is important. First cut for fodder is taken in the last week of February. After attaining the normal canopy development, the crop is subjected to moisture stress by withholding one irrigation and later a light irrigation is given to discourage vegetative growth an encourage profuse flowering. After complete flowering normal irrigation should be restored. When 2/3 of pods turn brown, crop is cut near the base, left to cure for few days and then threshed. The seed yield 150-200 kg/ha. Foliar spray of boron @1g/L of water at the time of flower initiation twice or thrice at weekly intervals helps to uniform flowering and improve seed production.
16.Seed drying (duration etc)Seeds should be dried till the moisture level is 10%.
17.Seed storage
i) Method and type of container in use

The grains may be bagged and stored in a moisture proof store.
ii) Measures for safe storage
Mix neem seed kernel powder @2kg/100kg of seed for safe storage (or) ayurvedic medicine, parad tablet /10kg of seed helps in safe storage of seed.
18.VarietiesAnnuals - Anand 1, 2 and 3 Perennials - CO 1, RL 88, T 9 & LL Comp.
19.Any other informationThe crop can be harvested and dried in good quality which can be either ground to meal and mixed with concentrate replace the cake or any other protein.

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